Newspaper Archives Notes

There are (to the best of my knowledge) 4 major archives of Nova Scotia newspapers (mainly microfilm):

  1. Nova Scotia Archives, Halifax
    Containing digitized newspapers and microfilm
    My own map shows location by year of publication.
  2. Beaton Institute, CBRM campus, Sydney
    Containing digitized editions and microfilm editions
    Providing a for fee obituary search
    According to this Genealogy Guide, here is a partial list:
    Also The Chronicle Herald and The Globe & Mail
  3. CBRL, downtown Sydney branch
    My own list based on film labels:
    Desbarres Papers
    Cape Breton Highlanders 185th
    City of Sydney Annual Reports 1894 - 1967
    Huntington Diaries 1905 - Jan 1952
    NS Census 1871 1881 1891 1901
    Seelworker and Miner, Misc. Cape Breton Papers
    Shipping Registeres
  4. Library and Archives Canada on Wellington in Ottawa
    Containing microfilm archives. I find the search tool is slightly wonky.

Other locations:

  1. Halifax Public Libraries, Spring Garden branch
    Containing microfilm archives, but only recent editions of The Cape Breton Post.
    Providling a limited obituary search service.
  2. St.F.X.U. collection of The Antigonish Casket
    Containing microfilm editions
    Extra: card catalog index to obituaries available in the Music Room

Current newspapers:


Across the country, city libraries or large university libraries might have archives of Halifax newspapers
but less likely to have Cape Breton and other smaller newspapers.

On-line services:
